Power of Attorney Legal Forms Software
Grant Power of Attorney to a trusted person with this easy-to-use software! Name a friend or family member as Attorney-in-Fact to handle your personal business and legal affairs. Includes two document options: a Limited Power of Attorney for a specific piece of business; or a Durable Power of Attorney to handle a broad range of decision-making matters long term. Use the Revocation Document to end the granted powers at any time.
(SAVE 33% on this Power of Attorney: Estate Plan Essentials > )
It’s a fairly common situation in life where the mental or physical capacities of a person become reduced to the point that it’s time to leave daily financial and legal decisions in the hands of another.
Equally common is the situation where a person is fully capable but unable to attend to a specific legal matter or piece of business directly, and wishes to have a designated representative handle that affair or transaction on his behalf.
In either case, a properly drafted and executed Power of Attorney document is required.
A Power of Attorney document allows one person (called the Principal) to designate another person or persons (called the Attorney-in-Fact) to handle the business, financial and legal affairs of the person signing the form. This document can be crafted either for a specific function or for overall day-to-day needs.
Power of Attorney Software & Document Examples
HOW STANDARD LEGAL SOFTWARE WORKS: A simple introduction and easy-to-read overviews are presented first. A questionnaire follows. Text fields, check boxes and drop-down menus are used to collect your answers, with additional instructions next to each field if needed. As soon as the questionnaire is finished, the final documents are created instantly: just save and print! It’s that easy.
There are three Power of Attorney documents within this software package:
REVOCABLE DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY – Used to permit a third party (an “Attorney-in-Fact”) to conduct or engage in almost any form or type of business on the part of the Principal, the person signing the form. This business includes such actions as buying, selling or transferring property, signing documents, purchasing assets, opening bank accounts, buying stocks, etc. All of these actions are done in the name of the Principal, using money or assets owned by the Principal. This document is appropriate for individuals who do not wish to engage in such transactions, or can no longer do so. For example, an elderly or disabled individual who can no longer leave his or her residence to conduct certain business; an individual who may be leaving the country for a lengthy period of time; etc.
REVOCABLE LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY – Used to permit a third party (an “Attorney-in-Fact”) to conduct or engage in the specific business or transaction stated on the document on behalf of the Principal, the person signing the form. This document differs from the Durable Power of Attorney in two ways: 1) the authority granted under this document is limited to the tasks, business or transactions specifically stated in the document; 2) the authority granted under this document is limited in time, i.e. if the action or business is not taken or engaged in by the date set forth on the document, the authority to do the same lapses. This document is appropriate for individuals who cannot take certain actions on their own because they are unavailable to do so or to do so would result in some inconvenience.
REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY – This document allows the user to end a Power of Attorney relationship at will, giving back to the Principal all legal authority to again handle the business and/or financial affairs previously assigned through the Power of Attorney document.
ADDITIONAL STATE-SPECIFIC POA DOCUMENTS – A few USA states have Power of Attorney forms, notices or acknowledgements that residents of that state might consider completing. Residents of Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania should carefully review the instructions contained within these state-specific Power of Attorney documents to determine if they meet your personal needs.
Note that if a person wishes to name TWO PERSONS within a single document to act with Power of Attorney on his or her behalf, Standard Legal offers that option within the Durable Power of Attorney. (The Limited document typically is created for specific tasks within a short time period, so it does not lend itself to naming two persons as Attorney-in-Fact.)
Further, to ensure that the person(s) named as Attorney-in-Fact keep in mind that they are to act solely in the best interest of the person granting the Power of Attorney, each of Standard Legal’s POA documents contain a provision requiring that all legal and financial documentation be turned over at the request of the Principal (or upon the request of a newly assigned Attorney-in-Fact) should the Power of Attorney be rescinded. Such a provision drafted directly into the form is a simple way to ensure that the documentation of activities — and subsequent access to that documentation — is available should any questions arise later.
Once this document is signed, witnessed, notarized and provided to the person(s) named as ‘Attorney-in-Fact’, those persons will have the ability to conduct almost ALL business on behalf of the Principal (again, from opening and closing bank accounts, to selling the Principal’s real estate or personal property, to obtaining loans and placing mortgages on property, etc.). As such, the person(s) named as ‘Attorney-in-Fact’ must be completely trustworthy and have only the best interest of the Principal in mind.
☆ LEGAL & VALID IN ALL STATES: The documents from Standard Legal are valid in every USA state and territory. Primary documents cover federal law, with state-specific language or forms provided as required.
☆ QUALIFIED ATTORNEY AUTHORS: All of the legal documents within each Standard Legal software title are carefully researched and written by highly-qualified, experienced, licensed attorneys.
☆ UP-TO-DATE LEGAL CONTENT: Documents and instructions are revised any time a state or federal law, statute or administrative requirement changes. Our legal forms content is in constant review!
☆ STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS: Clear instructions are posted directly next to each question asked. No ‘legal-eze’ either! Standard Legal writes in a way that is “step-by-step” and easy to understand.
☆ IMMEDIATE ACCESS: Use the software instantly after purchase! Get encrypted links to a download within seconds, both on-screen with your order invoice and again as a backup in an email confirmation.
☆ EASILY DOWNLOADABLE FORMS: Standard Legal’s documents can be downloaded in one .zip file, with additional state-specific documents available from the online forms server.
☆ USE WITH ANY DEVICE: Windows, Mac, Apple, iPad, Android, Linux. Desktop PC, laptop, tablet, mobile device. Nearly any system can use the software from Standard Legal!
☆ FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Standard Legal helps its clients in any way we can. While we cannot provide legal advice, we will gladly assist you by email, phone or social media to access and use our software.
☆ NO SHIPPING FEES: with downloadable software, shipping is FREE! Don’t pay to ship printed packages of paper. Just download the files and print only the documents you need. (Unless you prefer the optional CD!)
☆ FULLY SECURE PERSONAL DATA: Our software is downloaded then completed offline, not run through an online webform that transmits your data across the internet to be stored in a database. So your answers stay completely private and secure, and your personal data never leaves your hard drive!
☆ SAVE MONEY ON LEGAL FEES: Quickly and easily create the same kinds of legal documents as a local attorney. And save hundreds — sometimes even thousands — of dollars in the process!
☆ FREE ATTORNEY FIND: If you decide that handling a legal situation yourself might not be the best course of action, search our Attorney Find section for FREE to find a local attorney to help you.
☆ 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Standard Legal guarantees that all of the documents in our software package will be accepted when completed as directed and submitted to the appropriate court, clerk, office or agency. Should any document not be accepted due to an issue with our content, we will correct that document at once or refund 100% of the purchase price.
Standard Legal software is PDF-based and works on virtually all Windows, Apple, Macintosh, Android and Linux-based PCs, laptops, tablets and mobile devices.
Using the FREE Adobe Reader (or the commercial Adobe Acrobat), the legal documents are interactive PDFs featuring a questionnaire that converts the information you provide into a finished legal document. It is best to use the most up-to-date version of Reader; see ‘Help > Check for Updates’ in the program’s menu to get the latest version. It is CRITICAL that Reader ALWAYS be used as a stand-alone program or mobile app and NEVER within a web browser.
Links to a downloadable .zip file are presented immediately upon the completion of your order. This .zip must be expanded to access the PDF files. Most computers have an expansion program like WinZip pre-installed; if your computer does not we recommend StuffIt Expander (it’s FREE!). Once the file is downloaded, all documents within can be completed offline, no internet connection required. Read the START-HERE.txt file included in the initial download for more instructions.
Access links to the downloadable .zip file and/or the online forms server for this title are available for one (1) year after the date of purchase, upon request. Files downloaded and saved to a device may be used without time limit, but new downloads are no longer accessible one year after the date of purchase. A discount code is available to past customers by email to make a new or updated purchase.
Is Standard Legal Software Right for You?
To use any type of software requires a basic understanding of how a computer device operates. To use Standard Legal software, you must be able to complete these basic computer tasks: download a software file; expand a .zip file; enter a username and password to access a protected website; navigate a menu; install and launch a program; and open, save then print a completed document. If you do not fully understand how to complete any of these common steps, we recommend you use our Document Preparation Service or find a local attorney to create documents for you.

Have a Power of Attorney question? ASK STANDARD LEGAL >
ATTORNEYS, PARALEGALS AND DOCUMENT PREPARATION PROFESSIONALS: This software is licensed exclusively for pro se users. To create custom legal documents on behalf of clients, review our Professional Edition software at ParalegalDocuments.com.
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